Striving for Absolute Purity (p. 112) asks you to write your own Psalm 51. Here is mine:
Lord have mercy on me, for I know what I am —
No good thing dwells in me. I am proud and arrogant.
Show me the way of true humility. I have betrayed and hurt the one whom I should have cherished.
I brought shame and contempt upon us both. I served myself for too many years.
Now I turn to You, O Lord. Now I give myself to You, and offer myself upon Your altar.
Cleanse me, O Lord, from all iniquity, Cleanse my heart and the deepest recesses within, Cleanse me from all filthiness of spirit.
Make me truly the Temple of the Holy Spirit, where You can live and move and have Your being, where it is no longer I, but Christ, where I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
Praise to You, Lord, for Your mercy and grace, Praise to You for Your discipline and chastening.
I thank You for all that You do for me, and for each fresh dealing in my life.
True love lies dormant within me, smothered by pride and selfishness.
Awaken it, My Father, My Lord, Awaken me to true love and true communion.
Fill me with Your love, let it overflow, Let it spill out to those around me, who need it and deserve it.
Let their be singing and joy within and without, Let the voice of the turtle dove be heard in the land.
Return to me the joy of Your salvation, and my heart will praise You forevermore.
~~~ BFiC brother, Brian ~~~