(the following is from ‘James516 Men’s Purity Blog‘ August 3, 2014 entry.)

I will be your new best friend. I am the jealous type. I will push away all other friends, family, wives, husbands, girlfriends, co-workers, sense of loyalty, professional goals and hobbies. I will envelop you until you exist only to feed my appetite.

I’ll have you slipping into behaviors you will hardly believe or chat about with loved ones over your morning coffees. The previous night’s activities will haunt you through the week.

I will make you do things that make you question who you really are. I will show you what being lost inside yourself really feels like.

I will reward you with pleasures beyond anything you ever imagined. Because you will mingle with others just like you. You will all become brothers, sisters and cousins in this family of perversion. In time you will become as sexually engulfed as them. Stable minded, happy, even married individuals will be no match for your attention in the bedroom. You will become the seducer. You will destroy relationships. You will bend minds around your sex.

You will smother your emotional guilt with physical pleasure. And you will never see what a painfully endless contradiction this is. You will try to silence your screams of emptiness with moans of orgasm after orgasm. Yours, hers, his, theirs, its.

Cries of ecstasy will hide your tears of loneliness. Climaxes will become uncontrollable church-like confessions. You will suffer from fits of naked post-coital honesty; but only for a few minutes after

Your masturbation of denial will be legendary.

I will make you truly understand the need for weekly support meetings.

As you slip into deeper rings of my perversion others who have known you for years will take notice of your transformation. Some will be repulsed by the change and will cower away. Others will try and pull you away from me. But some…will lust for you. Ignoring themselves, their vows, and their integrity.

You will make them stray.

You will sleep with dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands and always be hungry. There will be no bottom to your pit.

And no matter how bad I treat you there will always be an unbreakable bond between us.