Please understand that you are not alone in this struggle. This is a temptation common to all men (1 Cor. 10:13).
If you are on this page you are seeking a way out from the slavery of this addiction.
These books are valuable resources that will help you. They are highly recommended by FIC members. A more complete list can be found in our resource section, but you must join FIC before you can access it.
First of all we highly recommend the workbook ‘Striving for Absolute Purity‘. We are very thankful to the Proven Men ministry for making this valuable resource available.
We also recommend the following which can be found at online bookstores:
- ‘Absolute Surrender’ by Andrew Murray
- ‘At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry‘ by Steve Gallagher
- ‘Breaking Free‘ by Russell Willingham
‘The Bondage Breaker®’ by Neil T. Anderson
- ‘Don’t Call it Love’ by Patrick Carnes
- ‘Every Man’s Battle’ by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
‘False Intimacy‘ by Harry Schaumburg
‘From Bondage to Bonding‘ by Nancy Groom
‘Inside Out‘ by Larry Crabb
- ‘JESUS IS BETTER THAN PORN: How I Confessed my Addiction to My Wife and Found a New Life’ by Hugh Houston
- ‘Sexual Healing‘ by David Kyle Foster
‘Surviving Sexual Brokenness‘ by Thom Hunter
‘The 4 Pillars Of Purity’ by Jonathan Daugherty (FREE – with Kindle)
Additional selections by Jonathan Daugherty founder and director of Be Broken Ministries (
- ‘The Pursuit of Holiness’ by Jerry Bridges‘
- ‘The War Within’ by Robert Daniels
- ‘Victory Over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ’ by Neil T Anderson
- ‘Your Brain on Porn’ – by Luke Gilkerson (FREE – @
Our complete reading list can be found by clicking on the link below. You must be a member of BeFreeInChrist and you must log into Yahoo with your Yahoo user id and password when prompted or you will not be able to access this list. FIC Reading List
We also have a very large collection of articles and writings in the Files section of our group. Again, joining the group with a Yahoo ID and password will give you access to these valuable resources.
Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will lead you to the books that will work effectively for you in finding freedom from sexual sin and developing a close and intimate relationship with the Lord.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me (Gal. 2:20).