Why Do We Sin?
~ Article by Joshua Travers ~ Since the beginning of time, mankind has sinned. This can seem obvious. The answer to the question “Why do we sin?” is not so obvious but very important. Human sin goes all the way … Continued
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~ Article by Joshua Travers ~ Since the beginning of time, mankind has sinned. This can seem obvious. The answer to the question “Why do we sin?” is not so obvious but very important. Human sin goes all the way … Continued
~ by Kevin Halloran ~ Puritan theologian John Owen wrote the classic work The Mortification of Sin in 1656 to analyze and apply what Paul meant in Romans 8:13 when he said, “For if you live according to the flesh you will … Continued
Lust is a dangerous force, but we can sometimes minimize in our minds just how powerful it is. The following list and the Bible verses that follow each item may help spotlight how significant lust can be. Lust involves believing … Continued
Romans 7:15 … For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. When it comes to sin, as Christians we should desire to put it … Continued
Anxiety is our body’s natural response to stress. A feeling of fear or apprehension about the unknown future. It can be brought on by having to speak in public, starting a new job, an epidemic or a number of other … Continued